Our Clients
Here are some of the clients who use us for their fulfilment needs

The Finchley Clinic – thefinchleyclinic.com

Health Fusion Clinic – healthfusionclinic.com

Kannaway – kannaway.com

Khyva – khyva.com

Essence PR – essencepr.com

Just Trade – Ethical Jewellery and Accessories – justtrade.co.uk

Resource & Rebalance me – Working with nature to support your health – https://www.randrme.com

Langdales – langdales.co.uk

Big Group Retail – biggroup-retail.co.uk

Grasshopper UK

Bake With Jack – bakewithjack.co.uk

Monty – montypr.com

David James Food – davidjamesfood.com

Treesy Green – treesygreen.com

Cradlepoint – cradlepoint.com

Le Papillion Vert – lepapillonvert.co.uk

Play On London – play-on-london.myshopify.com

Sea Gem Swimwear – seagemswimwear.co.uk

Lingaury – lingaury.com
Callan Organisation – https://callan.co.uk/

LyfeFocus – lyfefocus.com – Pain management products

Magnet Mouse – magnetmouse.co.uk – Maternity and Baby Wear

Amanzzo – amanzzo.com – Ethically made underwear

Lula Ru – lula-ru.com/ – Bikini Wear

Our Clients
When considering using the services of a fulfilment company, ensure that they are proud of their work and take pride in their customer service. You should see their clients (or at least some of them) listed proudly on their website. If there are no examples to be found, this may well mean the services they provide are, at best, second-rate, and so they are not keen for you to find out who their clients actually are. This may be in case you contact their clients and discover that they are doing a pretty lousy job. We have heard stories regarding other fulfilment companies of lost stock and ludicrous over-charging for storage costs which bear no resemblance to the actual square footage of stock being stored and what was contractually agreed. We have also been told stories of the rates some fulfilment company’s charge for goods received and unpacked, sometimes at three times the contractually agreed rate.
Fusion Fulfilment are trustworthy, decent and ethical and we can, and do, turn away work which is either too big for us, or where we don’t think we would be a good match for your business for any other reason. We are only offer our services to small medium sized business enterprises (SMEs) with which we are a good fit.